Thursday, July 2, 2009

procrastination is the source of all sin

Well I kinda procrastinated and didn't do any work yesterday so I'm just going to post some of my final projects of my AP class. I hope you like them!


  1. I love your art style.

    I tagged you with an award on my blog!

  2. I LOVE both of these! They are just great. I especially like the still life with the reflections in the pitcher--really cool stuff!!!

  3. Hello!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and conferring the 'Honest Scrap' award :) Well, making lists, meme and tag games are not my strong points. So instead, will leave behind a honest comment about my first visit to your blog. Hope that is OK :)

    Really like that aristocratic parrot. Some very fine rendering you have done...and procrastination is not necessarily the source of sin, especially when it comes to art...because it's driven by inspiration and leaps of faith. Here also, there'll be some good days and few bad enjoy the process! Good luck :)
